Posture Care: Specialist Seating Vs Bed Rests

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Need A Specialist Seating Solution? Speak To the Experts

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    Do you spend long hours sitting at a desk in your job? Do you have a bad back? If so, you may require specialist seating. In this blog post, we will compare specialist seating with bed rests for posture care. We will look at the pros and cons of each option and help you decide which is best for you.

    What Is Posture Management?

    Posture management is the process of positioning and supporting an individual to maintain or improve their posture. It can be used to prevent or correct deformities, relieve pain, and improve functional abilities.

    Why Specialist Seating Is Ideal for Posture Care

    Increased Function That Provides Greater Independence

    Specialist seating is designed to increase function and provide greater independence for the user. It can be used to position the body correctly, which helps to prevent deformities and relieve pain. Improving functionality and mobility in individuals who might need specialist seating can also help to reduce the risk of falls and improve quality of life. The lack of mobility can have a serious impact on the mental and emotional wellbeing of an individual, so it is important to consider this when choosing a posture care solution.

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    Reduced Risk of Pressure Injuries Thanks to Greater Pressure Management

    Specialist seating also provides excellent pressure management in terms of posture care. This is because the seat can be adjusted to distribute weight evenly, and the user can change position frequently to avoid pressure build-up. This is especially important for people who are at risk of developing pressure injuries. Pressure sores often develop in people who are confined to beds or chairs for long periods, so it is important to choose a posture care solution that minimizes the risk of pressure injuries.

    Improved Social Interaction

    Specialist seating like riser recliner chairs can also improve social interaction. This is because the user is able to sit upright in a comfortable position, which makes it easier to interact with others. Being able to interact socially can have a positive impact on mental and emotional wellbeing. Furthermore, the use of riser recliner specialist seating can aid elderly people in improving mobility which is correlated with sociability, making it an excellent posture care tool.

    Posture Management: The Effect of Using Bed Rests

    While bed rests can be effective in the short term for posture management, there are a number of drawbacks that make them less ideal for long-term use.

    First, bed rests can lead to muscle weakness and atrophy. This is because the muscles are not being used when the individual is lying down. Over time, this can lead to reduced functionality and mobility.
    Second, bed rests can also cause pressure injuries. As we mentioned before, pressure injuries often develop in people who are confined to bed or chairs for long periods. Therefore, it is important to choose a posture care solution that minimizes the risk of pressure injuries.

    Third, bed rest can also have a negative impact on mental and emotional wellbeing. This is because the individual is not able to interact with others when they are lying down. This can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness.
    Finally, bed rests can also be expensive. The cost of a hospital bed can be prohibitive for many people, especially if it is only needed for a short period of time.

    Leaning Towards Healthcare Chairs. Repose Can Help! Read Our Guide and Discover Why Are Healthcare Riser Recliner Chairs Are the Perfect Posture Care Solution

    Specialist seating is an ideal solution for posture care compared to bed rests in most cases. Specialist seating, such as healthcare chairs, is designed to increase function and provide greater independence for the user. It can also be used to position the body correctly, which helps to prevent deformities and relieve pain.

    If you are leaning towards healthcare chairs, discover how Repose Furniture can help by reading our detailed guide here. In addition, you can find out more about why our healthcare riser recliner chairs are the perfect posture care solution by speaking to a member of our experienced and friendly team today on +44 (0)1384 567401 or by emailing our team at Alternatively, you can also contact a member of the Repose team today by using our simple contact form below.